You have landed at Nicholas Chronicles, a website developed and maintained by Randy Nicholas. I am a believer in and follower of Jesus Christ. I’m also a world traveling techno missionary. Kick your shoes off and stay a while.
What is going on here?
I have been dabbling on the internet for a long time. I understand the potential for this marvelous medium to be used for the greater good or for inexhaustible evil. So, I generally keep a presence here or there. I have a lot of stories to tell, and I pray that some of them will touch your soul or at the very least… amuse you. Take a few minutes to look around, who knows, you might be surprised at what or who you may find within these digital pages.
Something old, something new.
Old and new… what gives? Well, the old is my habit of keeping abreast of the Internet world in general, then blogging about it. Sometimes I simply blog about life or people that have impacted my life. Regarding the new, I am in the process of developing a podcast with my daughter, Heather. We hope to use it as a tool to entertain, encourage, and inform you. At this point, it will likely contain things that are spiritual, technical, and Southern. Hang on!
My latest blog posts.
Prayers and Divine Appointments
So, this post is special, and I am not 100% sure yet where it will take me, but it is a good story…
JEA, TV, and CEF
Yessir… uh, and yes ma’am… I had another opportunity to do a live taping on “6 In The City” a few days ago…
Harambee 2024
So, tonight I went to a Harambee which is a Kenyan tradition rooted in community self-help. The term means “all pull together” in…