

It is Sunday morning in Brno, Czech Republic. In less than 3 weeks (Lord willing), I will be back home in West Tennessee. As I project myself forward in time, I can almost see myself sitting out on the patio area at Joe Muggs in Jackson. I am sitting there and I am reflecting on…

1 Month from Today

1 Month from Today

One month from today we will be walking onto the airplane in Prague which will start our journey home. I have been fighting so many emotions today. It is difficult to put into words. I suppose it is normal but it is still not easy. Your mind starts flooding with the questions about what, why,…

Dark Forces

Dark Forces

Recently, I had an occasion to visit a group of believers in a city not far from where I live. They are building a church for the Lord. This particular evening, they openly talked about a problem they were facing in their community with dark forces and occultism. I sat amazed to hear a story…